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working online feels like specs of graphite flying off, a constant sharpening of pages, debris all over, a  newer edge to the pencil, the promise of a smooth line...



Materialites: NWAS


NWAS: Network of Welsh Anthropology Students


Project completed 2002


project teamproject websiteproject report , workshop overviewfull project archive [pdf]



NWAS was a staff and student joint project at the Department of Anthropology in UWL. NWAS was created as the result of a staff/student funding bid to C-SAP for the development of students projects to do with the use and dissemination of anthropology by students on the Internet and through their residential networks (Student Departmental Library). NWAS  included the creation of a network of students across Wales. In order to set up the network, NWAS created a series of leaflets, sent emails -to student bodies in Wales that already existed in our files from a previous project (see Gregynog)-, and invited all students across Wales to a free workshop on producing anthropology on the Internet with a series of smaller workshops aimed at a hands-on learning of making web pages, presentations about anthropology, employability and networking. The event was subsidised through the C-SAP fund to give access to as many students as possible throughout Wales. In addition to these projects and events NWAS also set up a website, a student mail lists, and a small project for the maintenance of the student departmental library, a project that had been set up in 1998 by the Anthropology Department.



Student's participation in the production of anthropological learning and teaching often goes accompanied of discussions on the nature of student's participation of projects larger than their own degree (their own classroom studies)...read more



Project Team

Departmental C-SAP convenor
Student Library Volunteer






Materialities archives a series of materials and resources to do with learning and teaching anthropology



These include web based projects, word documents, lecture notes in PDF, power-points and other electronic materials. 


Email me with any queries.


Download here the:


  NWAS Archive PDF